Cennik online skupu katalizatorów
In our price list you can check the current prices for buying catalytic converters. The price list is intended for retail customers, so the system limits the daily number of checks. If you would like to access the price list of catalysts without any restrictions, please contact us by email tomcarwarka@interia.pl or phone +48 792 534 993 to establish cooperation.
Tom-Car accepts only catalysts from a legal source. The seller must submit a declaration that the catalyst has been purchased in the territory of the Republic of Poland and has not been exported or brought to Poland from other countries. Tom-Car records the seller's personal data with each transaction.
Catalysts purchase Tom-Car
Warka 05-660, ul.Słoneczna 28, Polandmobile: 792 534 993
email: tomcarwarka@interia.pl
Catalysts purchase Tom-Car
Gdańsk, Gdyniamobile: 501 283 542
Catalysts purchase Tom-Car
Warszawa, Siedlce, Wyszkówmobile: 501 742 746